Social Media Marketing
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. No matter the social media account, TimberHook can get your company noticed by your customer demographics. TimberHook can create content, paid ads and/or organic posts, depending on what you are looking for.

Graphic Design
With the use of Photoshop, Timberhook can create visually appealing graphics to attract the attention of life long and new customers alike. We can create visuals for anything, from logos to business cards, paper flyers to web banners on social media.

Brand Marketing
Just starting out? We can work with you to create a logo, company name, voice, or signage for your company. With a combination of graphic design, social media and a website, we can start growing your company with a solid foundation.
TimberHook can create short compelling videos and basic photography for your social media accounts or website. The following is an example of a :30 second social media video to inform customers the auction company switched to an online-only format due to COVID-19.
Print Adverting
TimberHook can create brochures, flyers, and even signs for your next event, physical location or to mail. Using our graphic design experience, we can bring your vision to life on paper. We can create digital files, or find a local printer, to make the process as easy as possible for your company.
Interior & Exterior Design
TimberHook can help you pick paint colors, pictures to frame and flooring, to make your office space pop. If you have no time and want to stay with your brand identity, give us a call to send you over some design ideas.

TimberHook charges for projects at an hourly rate + costs of materials (that includes advertising costs on social media/physical materials/ect.) If you are interested in more information or have a specific project in mind, send us a note at timberhookmarketing@gmail.com and we will get back to you!